by Realty Energy Wise | Mar 1, 2023 | Home Seller, Homeownership, Mortgage, Moving, Real Estate, Real Estate Market, Selling My Home
When it comes to listing their home, most home sellers want three things: 1) to make a lot of money, 2) to put in minimal time and effort, and 3) to sell quickly. But the reality is, selling a home is rarely that simple. And homeowners who try to do it themselves—or...
by Realty Energy Wise | Dec 6, 2022 | Gift Guide, Gifts, Holidays, Home Buiding, Home Design, Home Remodel, home safety, Home Seller, Homeownership, Real Estate, Real Estate Investing
You don’t have to break the bank to celebrate the holidays in style—even in this season of inflation. Prices may be higher on everything from food to gifts to decorations, but there are still plenty of opportunities to eke out extra savings. For example,...
by Realty Energy Wise | Jul 7, 2022 | Home Seller, Real Estate, Real Estate Investing, Real Estate Market
No matter what’s going on in the housing market, the process of selling a home can be challenging. Some sellers have a hard time saying goodbye to a treasured family residence. Others want to skip ahead to the fun of decorating and settling into a new place. Almost...